Monday, September 6, 2010

If you have a minute...

Hey guys, based on the number of hits I get, coupled with the complete lack of comments on Crazy, Lazy, Silly and Strange (with the lovely Bella being the single exception), I'm considering shelving this blog and spending my time doing other things. If you think I should continue, drop me a comment, and if not, it was relatively fun while it lasted, and I'll see you around the web. Thanks to my loyal, daily visitors for giving me a reason to keep on keepin' on!


  1. Please don't stop posting. I found your site a couple of months ago and have been coming back every day since. You offer such a varied perspective :). I don't usually comment because I am just a quiet person. If you do decide to move on, please let us know so we can check it out.

  2. I dont get comments either.. I just do this for the fun.. so dont stop

  3. Hey AmyOops, I, too, do it just for fun, but I just want to make sure somebody's reading, otherwise I might just as well look at the pictures and videos by myself. I enjoy entertaining folks...

  4. Please don't stop blogging/posting, I'm also a quite/shy person. I enjoy looking at Your archive and the way it's put together, it's one of the best on the internet!!

  5. Thanks for all of the encouragement!! I am planning to move (physically, not the blog) from Alaska back to my native Georgia, so in a month or so, there will be a short break in postings, but you few faithful have convinced me to keep it going! Thanks again for stopping by!

  6. Hey MC I think you have a great thing going here...I love the variety. I haven't been here a lot, usually hanging at Jonco's place, but I will start making this a daily stop. Welcome back to Georgia.

  7. Thanks, Gary. I'm looking forward to Fall colors, thunderstorms, REAL fried chicken and mostly, Krystal hamburgers!

  8. See MC, they loves ya too.

  9. dude don;t do it...please...I visit u daily but I am too busy laughing to be able to write anything..:P

  10. Don't stop! Don't stop! Make your peeple POP!!!



"Get up, grab your gear and fall in."

who's here...who's been here [as of 9/04/10]